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How Heroes Respond to Cyclones: Roles Simplified


During cyclones, multiple agencies and organizations come together to manage the situation and assist affected areas. Let's take a look at the simplified roles of the Navy, Coast Guard, NDRF, SDRF, local police, fire departments, and doctors:

1. Navy:
- Search and Rescue: The Navy uses ships, aircraft, and personnel to rescue people affected by the cyclone, especially at sea.
- Evacuation: Naval vessels transport coastal residents to safer locations before the cyclone hits.
- Damage Assessment: The Navy helps assess the extent of damage, especially in coastal regions.
- Humanitarian Aid: Naval ships bring relief materials, medical teams, and equipment to provide immediate assistance.

2. Coast Guard:
- Search and Rescue: The Coast Guard rescues individuals in distress at sea during cyclones.
- Maritime Safety: They enforce safety measures to prevent accidents and ensure vessel movement is secure.
- Coastal Surveillance: The Coast Guard monitors the movement of boats and ships during cyclones to keep them safe.
- Pollution Response: They respond to oil spills and other pollution incidents caused by cyclones.

3. NDRF (National Disaster Response Force):
- Search and Rescue: NDRF teams specialize in finding and rescuing people in urban and rural areas affected by cyclones.
- Evacuation: They assist in moving vulnerable individuals to safe places and provide basic amenities.
- Medical Assistance: NDRF teams offer first aid and emergency medical care to those affected.
- Post-Cyclone Recovery: They help remove debris, restore essential services, and support rehabilitation.

4. SDRF (State Disaster Response Force):
- Similar to NDRF, SDRF responds to disasters within a specific state or region.
- They collaborate with NDRF and other agencies for search and rescue, relief, and post-cyclone recovery.

5. Local Police and Fire Departments:
- Maintaining Law and Order: Police ensure public safety and order during evacuations.
- Traffic Management: They manage vehicle flow during evacuations and emergencies.
- Firefighting: Fire departments tackle fires and other hazards caused by cyclones.

6. Doctors and Medical Teams:
- Emergency Medical Care: Medical professionals provide immediate assistance to injured individuals.
- Medical Camps: Temporary camps are set up to offer basic healthcare and address medical needs.
- Disease Control: Doctors focus on preventing disease outbreaks in cyclone-affected areas.

These agencies and personnel work together to save lives, protect property, and provide timely assistance to affected communities.